Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: Because the insurance industry has steadfastly refused to accept the Ianguage of $401(b}(2), however, the availability of segmenta- tion and similar devices to bring the industry into conformance with ERISA has gone largely unexplored. Cf Jacobson Han cock, 655 Supp 1299 ("An insurer may not use general account to harbor plan' assets create potential conflict and thus ciaim relief fiduciary's obligations"). Moreover Hancock and the insurance industry have also failed to explore specific mechanisms within ERISA which would have permitted Hancock to seek variances order to minimize any dis- ruptions business "consistent with adequate safeguards protect employee benefit plans. ERISA Conf. Rep. reprinted 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 0609 Sertion 408 sets forth procedures under which exemptions from $406' ...